Friday, June 6, 2008

Where to chill

There’s no need to hide away, locked into your room hunched over your PC like Quasimodo every weekend and holiday. We all need to take a break and get out and about. Here we look at the best places to chill and unwind. Got a suggestion in the meantime? Email us at

At the trough

Great places to nosh or party – let us know where you’ve been and what you thought and we’ll try to link you up with a freebie. Email us at

How to Buy a Cellphone in South Africa

Written by Arthur Goldstuck and Steven Ambrose

Released in March 2008, this slim book will only set you back R50 at most major book stores in South Africa. It’s a new guide to cellphones and contracts and helps steer you through the maze of traps and tricks of the industry. Prepaid, or contract, which contract, which contract type and what extras should you opt for, are all discussed in this handy booklet.

Top 10 Cinema Nouveau Movies

Screened by Jameson

1. The Other Boleyn Girl
2. The Kite Runner
3. City of Men
4. Closing the Ring
5. The Walker
6. Starter for Ten
7. I’m Not There
8. Juno
9. My Blueberry Nights
10. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Commercial Top 10 movies

8. 21

Dan in Real Life

Dan in real life

Comedy, drama, romance
Directed by
Peter Hedges
What’s it like
Funny-sad, but some of the scenes are painful in their “ickiness “. The plot is contrived and predictable.
Why watch it?
You wanna watch a no-brainer that’s sentimental and occasionally funny.
What’s the message?
Oh, universal stuff – themes about loss and love.

What’s it about?
Dan Burns (Steve Carell) is a single dad, a widower, and an advice columnist. He’s struggling to keep up with his teenage girls who are becoming independent way to fast. When they all attend the annual family reunion in a remote log cabin he takes the chance one day to get away from the suffocating chaos of siblings, spouses and kids, and ends up in the local bookstore. There he meets a gorgeous woman and falls in love with her. Little does he know that Marie (Juliette Binoche) is the new girlfriend of his brother (Dane Cook). From there on emotional sparks and passive-aggressive behaviour intermingle with slap-stick laughs and some wry humour until yes, you got it, Dan gets his girl.

Watch the trailer at, Newsletter 1st Edition

I'm Werner (aka. MiNeM) and you’ll be hearing a lot more from me in the coming months, so let me waste no time in introducing our brand new bi-weekly Forum Newsletter.

As you might now know or if you don’t know yet our first newsletter has been published & sent out to you all (some may have received 2 or 3 copies) if you’re registered on the forum. Otherwise you’ll get your copy in the Galactic Times.

That’s right, every GT Issue from here on out will be filled with one more newsletter that’ll provide you with the latest local Xbox 360 news, updates, and hot topics from the forum.

It goes without saying that last week heralded one of the biggest events in gaming and entertainment history. At 00:01 on Tuesday the 29th of April, Grand Theft Auto IV was released. Arguably the most anticipated game of all time, GTA IV has since surpassed the all-time entertainment records for day one and week one sales by selling approximately 6 million units worldwide, knocking previous record-holder Halo 3 clean out of the ring. I’m glad to report that here in South Africa we weren’t forgotten (we’re not talking about Live here people!) as I went to Zaps ( for the midnight launch event.

I arrived there early to join in on the Xbox 360 LAN and towards the end of the night there were quite a few people patiently waiting in line for their copies. Amidst reports of real life violence in other parts of the world surrounding the launch of the game, most of us went home in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, a copy of GTA IV (or its exclusive limited edition counterpart) in our possession - not a bad turnout for GTA IV in SA if you ask me. In the time since then many have finished the game, some taking leave during those two days between our two long weekends in order to put in some monster marathon sessions, while others discovered the bliss of experiencing GTA in the multiplayer arena for the first time in the franchise’s decade-long history.

I foresee that GTA IV will be spinning in South African Xbox 360 drives for a long time still, slowing down the traffic for other popular Live titles such as Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War. That is until Gears of War 2 hits Xbox 360s worldwide this spring (fall for them, spring for us! J)

I would like to get some feedback on the newsletter so please feel free to hit me with your suggestions & comments.

AGASA 2008 Xbox 360 League
By now most of you should know that the league registrations are open and in full swing. For more info follow these links:

Official Announcement -

League Games & Registrations -

AGASA 2008 Discussion Thread -

If anyone is interested in helping, please do not hesitate in contacting me, as any help in any form would be appreciated.

Our New Sister Site!
We are also proud to announce and open our new sister site:
Playstation 3 Community
If you’re at all interested in the Playstation 3 console or becoming part of the local community, do not hesitate to give this site a visit. We are confident that given our success with, the PS3 Community will grow to be another great South African Gaming Community Site.

Well that’s it for the first newsletter – stay tuned for the next one, and gaming.
Editor In Chief