Friday, June 6, 2008

Xbox gets a kicking

PS3 Outsells Xbox 360 2 to 1

Sony Australia’s Managing Director, Michael Ephraim, recently confirmed that, on a console level, PlayStation 3 had outsold Xbox 360 2 to 1, after Grand Theft Auto IV’s blockbuster release.

Chatting to Chris Stead for he said that according to sales information received from Australia market research specialists, GFK, “The week of launch, GFK showed that PS3 outsold Xbox, the other format that GTA was on, by over 2 to 1.”

Console sales are the more important statistic in the next-gen war, and GTA IV was always going to be a tussle between Sony and Microsoft. Only time will tell if this battle is a pivotal one to win the war, or not.


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